Please select the survey link for the breakout room you attended in.


Tuesday 7/30

(keynote) From Basics to Brilliance: Innovations in Nursing Education Presentation Survey (Century C)
Mastering the Basics of NCLEX Item Writing Presentation  Survey (Shawnee) Survey (Mission) Survey (Liberty)
What Does It All Mean? Basics of Item Analysis and Test Revision Presentation Survey (Shawnee) Survey  (Mission) Survey  (Liberty)
Next Gen Readiness: Preparing Nursing Students for the NCLEX Landscape Presentation Survey (Shawnee) Survey (Mission) Survey (Liberty)

Wednesday 7/31

Promoting Inclusivity and Student Accountability through Effective Classroom Management Presentation Survey (Shawnee) Survey (Mission) Survey (Liberty)
(Didactic 1) Assessing for Success: Enhancing Student Learning Through Effective Evaluation and Feedback Literacy Presentation Survey (Shawnee) Survey (Mission)
(Clinical 1) From Care to Classroom: Excelling in Your Transition to Clinical Education Presentation Survey (Liberty)
(Didactic 2) Integrity and Civility: Promoting Professional Behaviors in the Learning Environment Presentation Survey (Shawnee) Survey (Mission)
(Clinical 2) Clinical Nurse Educator: Strategies to Promote Concept Connection and Clinical Judgment Presentation Survey (Liberty)
Intentional Lesson Planning: Incorporating Thoughtful Approaches to Inform Teaching and Learning  Practices Presentation Survey (Shawnee) Survey (Mission) Survey (Liberty)

Thursday 8/1

Connecting Theory to Practice: Emerging Strategies and Technology to Promote Student Engagement and Success Presentation Survey (Century C)
Plenary: Walk in Your Worth as a Nurse Educator- Beth Phillips Presentation Survey (Century C)