1. Access the invitation email on device
  2. Click “Download the App” to be directed to stores to download the app on device
  3. Return back to the invitation email and select “Verify Account”
    • This will automatically re-open the app and pre-fill your login credentials. Take note of your pre-filled confirmation code!
  4. Select “Finish” to be fully logged into the app!
    • Note: You will be sent a confirmation email including all of your login credentials should you like to login on a different device.



  1. Download the app by clicking the following URL:
  2. Open the app and tap on National Nurse Educator Summit
  3. Tap on the three lines in the top left-hand corner and click Login for more features!
  4. Enter your First and Last Name
  5. Enter your Confirmation Code
    • If you forget or don’t know your confirmation code, select “Forgot Code”
    • Access your email on your device and click “Verify Account”
  6.  Tap “Open App” and select “Finish” to be fully logged into the app!
    • Note: You will be sent a confirmation email including all of your login credentials should you like to login on a different device.